James Ivory 詹姆士·艾佛利
《以你的名字呼喚我》| 2017 | 義大利/法國/巴西/美國 | 盧卡·格達戈尼諾 | LGBT (編劇)
2007 終點之城The City of Your Final Destination
2005 異國情緣 The White Countess
2003 愛情合作社 Le Divorce
2000 金色情挑 The Golden Bowl
1998 女兒站起來 A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries
1996 狂愛走一回 Surviving Picasso
1995 總統的秘密情人Jefferson in Paris
1993 長日將盡 Remains of the Day
《此情可問天》| 1992 | 英國/日本 | 詹姆士·艾佛利XE·M·福斯特
1990 未路英雄半世情 Mr. & Mrs. Bridge
1989 Slaves of New York
1987 莫里斯的情人 Maurice
《窗外有藍天》| 1985 | 英國 | 詹姆士·艾佛利XE·M·福斯特
1984 波士頓人 The Bostonians
1983 熱與塵 Heat and Dust
1981 四重奏 Quartet
1980 簡奧斯汀在曼哈頓 Jane Austen in Manhattan
1979 歐洲人 The Europeans
1979 3 by Cheever: The 5:48
1978 收藏家Hullabaloo Over Georgie and Bonnie's Pictures
1977 玫瑰大地 Roseland
1975 野宴 The Wild Party
1975 公主自傳 Autobiography of a Princess
1972 蠻風箭雨 Savages
1970 孟買之音 Bombay Talkie
1969 印度一段情 The Guru
1965 莎劇演員 Shakespeare-Wallah
1964 德里之路 The Delhi Way
1963 房主 The Householder
1959 劍與長笛 The Sword and the Flute
出生日期: 1928-06-07
出生地: 美國,加利福尼亞州,伯克利分校
職業: 導演 / 編劇 / 製片 / 演員
更多外文名: James Francis Ivory (本名)
家庭成員: Ismail Merchant(伴侶)
生於加州柏克萊,奧勒岡大學藝術系畢業,後進修於南加州大學電影碩士。許多年來,他常在印度拍片,從1969年邁克爾.約克與麗泰杜辛涵主演的《師傅》不難看出他對印度風土民情的關注與洞悉。 1977年他導演了《玫瑰園》,參加演出的有唐德納.塔爾、裘拉汀.卓別林等。此後在英國拍片,一批改編自英國作家亨利.詹姆斯、珍.奧斯汀等的經典文學作品的影片讓他享譽國際影壇。 1987年的《莫里斯》為他捧回威尼斯影展銀獅獎;曾以1986年的窗外有藍天》、1992年的《此情可問天》以及1993年的《去日留痕》三次獲得奧斯卡最佳導演提名。
James Ivory, Ismail Merchant,1983
詹姆斯·伊沃里,1928年出生於美國加州,畢業於奧勒岡大學藝術系,後在南加州大學進修電影碩士。許多年來,他常在印度拍片,從1969年麥克爾·約克與麗塔·塔欣厄姆主演的《印度一段情》不難看出他對印度風土民情的關注與洞悉。 1977年他導演了《玫瑰大地》後開始在英國拍片,一批改編自英國作家亨利·詹姆斯、珍·奧斯汀等的經典文學作品的影片讓他享譽國際影壇。因其參展的作品大都代表英國,也因此業界一般都稱他為“英國導演”。 1987年詹姆斯·伊沃里憑藉《墨利斯的情人》捧回威尼斯影展銀獅獎;並曾以1986年的《窗外有藍天》、1992年的《此情可問天》以及1993年的《長日將盡》三次獲得奧斯卡最佳導演提名
第53屆坎城電影節主競賽單元金棕櫚獎(提名) 金色情挑
第48屆坎城電影節主競賽單元金棕櫚獎(提名) 總統的秘密情人
第66屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳導演(提名) 長日將盡
第65屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳導演(提名) 此情可問天
第45屆坎城電影節主競賽單元金棕櫚獎(提名) 此情可問天
第45屆坎城電影節45週年紀念獎 此情可問天
第59屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳導演(提名) 窗外有藍天
第36屆坎城電影節主競賽單元金棕櫚獎(提名) 熱與塵
第34屆坎城電影節主競賽單元金棕櫚獎(提名) 四重奏
第32屆坎城電影節主競賽單元金棕櫚獎(提名) 歐洲人
2007 終點之城The City of Your Final Destination
2005 異國情緣 The White Countess
2003 愛情合作社 Le Divorce
2000 金色情挑 The Golden Bowl
1998 女兒站起來 A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries
1996 狂愛走一回 Surviving Picasso
1995 總統的秘密情人 Jefferson in Paris
影片描寫了美國歷史上第三任總統托馬斯· 杰弗遜的一段生活故事。劇情相比史實不能夠令人信服。從歷史和推理上看,這個大雜燴也許具有迷惑力,因此,它無據可查,是一個編造出來的畸形兒。影事不穩定、無規則。影片的意圖是揭發杰弗遜是一個愚蠢的偽君子,但影片仍然把杰弗遜描寫為具有智慧、堅持原則的中流砥柱。電影先對杰弗遜是否是理想的化身提出問題,然後圍繞著他空洞無物但不流血的愛情浪漫史一一解答。
1993 長日將盡 Remains of the Day
·影片原來的劇本是編劇Harold Pinter 為邁克·尼科爾斯(Mike Nichols)所寫的。在哥倫比亞把此片交給英國唯美派電影公司Merchant-Ivory拍攝之後,尼科爾斯的一些片斷仍然保留。其中一個在影片的結尾處,但沒有被剪進最後的版本。在2001年發行的DVD版中可以找到這個片斷。
·安東尼·霍普金斯在1994年的電視節目《Inside The Actors Studio》(演員的幕後生活)中說,他從一個真正的白金漢宮的管家身上學到了不少東西。 “當好管家要減少自己的存在感,當你在屋子裡的時候要比你不在時還空。”
·1990年拍《末路英雄半世情》(Mr.&Mrs.Bridge)的時候,演員Remak Ramsay正在看本片的原著小說,他把小說給導演詹姆斯·艾佛利(James Ivory,即本片導演)看,因為他覺得這對激發艾佛利的創作有幫助。
Stevens: Do you know what I am doing, Miss Kenton? I am placing my mind elsewhere while you chatter away.
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Lewis: You are, all of you, amateurs. And international affairs should never be run by gentlemen amateurs. Do you have any idea of what sort of place the world is becoming all around you? The days when you could just act out of your noble instincts, are over. Europe has become the arena of realpolitik, the politics of reality. If you like: real politics. What you need is not gentlemen politicians, but real ones. You need professionals to run your affairs, or you're headed for disaster!
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James Stevens: I don't believe a man can consider himself fully content until he has done all he can to be of service to his employer.
《此情可問天》| 1992 | 英國/日本 | 詹姆士·艾佛利XE·M·福斯特
1990 未路英雄半世情 Mr. & Mrs. Bridge
1987 莫里斯的情人 Maurice
·影片的一處鄉村別墅佈景Wilbury Park使用的是扮演Sheepshanks夫人的女演員Maria Britneva的房產。
·Julian Sands一開始被挑中演莫里斯,而James Wilby(後來莫里斯的扮演者)被置於一個小角色上,原因是他的身高和金發跟Sands太過相似。
·拍攝Rupert Graves和James Wilby睡在床上的鏡頭前出了個小插曲:他們將要使用的那張床塌了。
Lasker-Jones: England has always been disinclined to accept human nature.
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Maurice Hall: I'm an unspeakable of the Oscar Wilde sort.
Maurice Hall:我是那種無法言說的奧斯卡·王爾德類型。
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Lasker-Jones: You should not resist me. You're resisting me.
Maurice Hall: Damnit, I'm not!
Maurice Hall:該死的,我沒有。
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Maurice Hall: I'm walking on a volcano.
Maurice Hall:我在火山上行走。
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Maurice Hall: Alec, did you dream you had a friend? Someone to last your whole life?
Maurice Hall:Alec,你曾經夢想過擁有一個朋友,一個能相伴一生的人麼?
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Alec Scudder: Now, we shan't never be parted. It's finished.
Alec Scudder:現在,我們永遠不會分開了,都結束了。
Set against the stifling conformity of pre–World War I English society, E.M. Forster’s Maurice is a story of coming to terms with one’s sexuality and identity in the face of disapproval and misunderstanding. Maurice Hall (James Wilby) and Clive Durham (Hugh Grant) find themselves falling in love at Cambridge. In a time when homosexuality was punishable by imprisonment, the two must keep their feelings for one another a complete secret. Sparkling direction by James Ivory, distinguished performances from the ensemble cast, and a charged score by Richard Robbins all combine to create a film of immense power. Maurice is a romantic, moving story of love and self-discovery for all audiences.
1984 波士頓人 The Bostonians
In Boston in the aftermath of the Civil War, Verena Tarrant (Madeleine Potter), a gifted young orator, has attracted the attention of Olive Chancellor (Vanessa Redgrave), who wishes to nurture Verena as an inspirational force for the Women’s Movement. But ranged against her is Basil Ransom (Christopher Reeve), a handsome male chauvinist who wants Verena as his wife. Against a backdrop of luminous New England landscapes, battle is joined, and for Olive the struggle will prove an odyssey that forces her to acknowledge her true nature. Merchant Ivory Productions’ acclaimed screen adaptation of the Henry James classic charts the struggle between two charismatic forces to gain control over the destiny of a spirited young woman.
1983 熱與塵 Heat and Dust
The passion, violence, mystery, and beauty of India are rapturously evoked in Merchant Ivory Productions’ acclaimed Heat and Dust, based on the novel by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala and starring Julie Christie, Shashi Kapoor and Greta Scacchi. Blending east with west, and moving effortlessly between the vibrant world of modern-day India and the magnificent splendors of the Raj, Heat and Dust concerns Anne, a young woman drawn to India by her desire to unravel the scandal surrounding her great-aunt Olivia’s seduction in the 1920s by a handsome and charismatic, if not entirely scrupulous, Indian prince.
1981 四重奏 Quartet
Quartet is the story of a girl who, adrift with her feckless husband amidst the literati of glittering Paris in the 1920s, becomes entrapped by a rich and sybaritic English couple. Adapted from the wistful, melancholy autobiographical novel by Jean Rhys, Quartet is full of intense confrontations dazzlingly acted by Alan Bates, Maggie Smith, Anthony Higgins, and Isabelle Adjani. This is one of the Merchant Ivory team’s darkest and most compelling dramas of dangerously intertwined relationships.
1980 簡奧斯汀在曼哈頓 Jane Austen in Manhattan
Rival theater companies compete to produce their own unique versions of Jane Austen’s childhood play Sir Charles Grandison in this delightful film from Merchant Ivory Productions. George Midash (Michael Wager) buys the play’s manuscript at Sotheby’s for Pierre (Robert Powell), the head of an avant-garde theater group. Another troupe, headed by the very traditional Lilianna Zorska (Anne Baxter), strives to produce its own version of the play. In her first film role, Sean Young costars as a young actress being manipulated by Pierre to leave her husband and to dedicate herself to join his financially strapped company. But when Lilianna decides to match wits with Pierre and steal the young woman herself, events begin to mirror those occurring within the play. A brilliant ensemble cast, a witty screenplay by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, and an inventive score by Richard Robbins all contribute to make Jane Austen in Manhattan elegant entertainment.
1979 歐洲人 The Europeans
This entertaining film, from a delicious early novel by Henry James, takes place in a New England Arcadia that stands for everything beautiful, pure, and good. Into this Eden come a sophisticated European brother and sister who turn up unexpectedly on the doorstep of their staid American cousins, the Wentworths. The fortune-hunting Eugenia (Lee Remick) and her high-spirited brother Felix (Tim Woodward) turn this Puritan world upside down.
1978 收藏家 Hullabaloo Over Georgie and Bonnie's Pictures
This lighthearted romp through Royal India presents a world of Maharajas, palaces, imperiled art objects, and the foreign collectors who will stop at nothing to possess them. Peggy Ashcroft and Larry Pine star as two rapacious art collectors who come to the decaying Art Deco palace of a young Maharaja (Victor Banerjee) to examine a legendary collection of Indian miniature paintings. While vying with each other to get the pictures away from the royal couple—nicknamed Georgie and Bonnie as children by their Scottish governess—they must also divine the true motives of the Indian curator of the collection (Saeed Jaffrey), who, in league with the Maharaja’s beautiful sister (Aparna Sen), may be working against them. Amidst the backdrop of lavish tourist entertainments, Christmas parties, fireworks, and even an English ghost, a desperate game of palace intrigue will determine the ultimate resting place of the priceless paintings.
1977 玫瑰大地 Roseland
Three interlocking stories set in the legendary New York City dance palace Roseland make up this charming film, the third shot by Merchant Ivory Productions in America. In the first, “The Waltz,” Teresa Wright is a widow who comes to Roseland in order to sustain the memory of her late husband, and meets Stan (Lou Jacobi), a man who offers her an opportunity for happiness in the present. In “The Hustle,” Christopher Walken stars as a gigolo with three women in his life, all of whom depend on him for different degrees of romance and companionship. In the final segment, “The Peabody,” an older Viennese woman (Lilia Skala) sets out to win a dance competition despite warnings that it could imperil her health. Ruth Prawer Jhabvala’s understated screenplay received many accolades, and delivers an uncharacteristic bit of sentiment not present in other Merchant Ivory efforts.
1975 野宴 The Wild Party
1975 公主自傳 Autobiography of a Princess
1972 蠻風箭雨 Savages
The first American film from Merchant Ivory Productions is a fascinating meditation on the rise and fall of civilizations, with a witty screenplay by George Swift Trow and Michael O’Donoghue. Savages is filmed in an improvisatory, experimental style and merges a series of tragicomic tableaux with pseudo-scholarly documentary narration and title cards. A masked, naked, clay-covered band of jungle primitives are disturbed in the middle of a human sacrifice by the sudden intrusion of a croquet ball. Led by their high priestess, they trek through the forest in search of its origins and arrive at an immense, deserted manor house. They occupy the mansion, which begins to have a civilizing effect on them; individual personalities emerge, and with them, pasts, futures, family connections, ambitions, and other trappings of society. Savages is a dark, biting satire that will turn viewer expectations upside-down.
1970 孟買之音 Bombay Talkie
Starring Shashi Kapoor and Jennifer Kendal, Bombay Talkie is Merchant Ivory’s affectionate, bemused view of Bollywood—India’s huge dream factory. The film is like a brightly colored, sumptuous Indian sweet covered in gold foil, and cameraman Subrata Mitra’s ravishing photography has never been surpassed in any other of James Ivory’s films. The story, set off by elaborate studio numbers, is a melodrama echoing those of Bombay’s mass audience movies and the sexy best sellers of the film’s heroine, American authoress Lucia Lane (Jennifer Kendal). Visiting India in search of “new material,” she becomes romantically involved with handsome movie star Vikram (Shashi Kapoor). When that doesn’t work out, she flees to an ashram to take up the spiritual life. That also, hilariously, doesn’t work out, and the ill-fated couple get together again with explosive results.
1969 印度一段情 The Guru
1965 莎劇演員 Shakespeare-Wallah
Elegiac and atmospheric, Shakespeare Wallah was the feature film that really put Merchant Ivory Productions on the international movie map. Starring Shashi Kapoor, Madhur Jaffrey, and a young Felicity Kendal, the film is inspired by the real-life adventures of Ms. Kendal’s family as a traveling theater group in India during the final days of English colonial rule. The Buckingham Players try to uphold British tradition by staging Shakespeare plays for the general public, boarding schools, and local royalty, but are unable to compete with the wildly popular Bollywood film industry.
1964 德里之路 The Delhi Way
1963 房主 The Householder
The Householder is the story of a shy, young, underpaid Delhi schoolteacher (Shashi Kapoor) who marries and then, little by little, gets to know his young wife, Indu (Leela Naidu), during their first year together. She is a charmer with a mind of her own, yet is as unprepared for marriage as he. This landmark film marks the first collaboration between producer Ismail Merchant, director James Ivory, and screenwriter Ruth Prawer Jhabvala (adapting her acclaimed novel for the screen), who’s maintained a productive artistic relationship for forty years and produced many award-winning films.
1959 劍與長笛 The Sword and the Flute