Paul Greengrass 保羅葛林葛瑞斯
2016 神鬼認證5
2010 關鍵指令 Green Zone
2007 神鬼認證:最後通牒 The Bourne Ultimatum
《93航班》| 2006 | 法國 / 英國 / 美國 | 保羅·葛林葛瑞斯
2004 神鬼認證2:神鬼疑雲 The Bourne Supremacy
《血色星期天》| 2002 | 愛爾蘭 / 英國 | 保羅·葛林葛瑞斯
保羅葛林葛瑞斯(英語:Paul Greengrass)是曾經獲得奧斯卡最佳導演提名、英國電影學院獎最佳導演得獎的英國導演。出生於1955年8月13日,畢業於英國劍橋大學王后學院。他專門追求描寫真實事件的劇情,個人風格是使用手提式搖晃攝影機的拍攝方式。
他最初在1980年代就已經接下執導的工作,當時拍攝的多是電視影集,如《The One That Got Away》,即是根據Chris Ryan書中的波斯灣戰爭時期,SAS的行動故事。
2004年,他接下了《神鬼認證:神鬼疑雲》(The Bourne Supremacy)的執導工作,該片的續集《神鬼認證:最後通牒》(The Bourne Ultimatum)同樣也由保羅繼續執導,該片也打破了美國影史八月開片票房紀錄。
保羅的代表作應算是2006年的《聯航93》(United 93),該片是根據911事件中的聯合航空93號班機劫機事件而拍攝的電影。該片也為保羅贏得了英國電影學院獎大衛連最佳導演獎,以及奧斯卡最佳導演獎提名。
保羅葛林葛瑞斯 Paul Greengrass
出生 1955年08月13日 (1955-08-13) 英國、蘇里、Cheam
Paul Greengrass started his filmmaking career with a super 8 camera he found in his art room in secondary school. Those short movies were animation horror films he made using old dolls, artist dummies, and the general art room clutter.
After studying in Cambridge University he got into Granada Television School and spent the first ten years of his career roving global hot spots for the hard-hitting documentary series, World in Action. By this time he became very interested in the Northern Ireland conflict.
In 1989, he directed his first fiction movie, "Resurrected", that won an award in Berlin. He continued his career as a fiction filmmaker with a serial of TV movies dealing with social and political issues: Open Fire (a police scandal about a policeman accused of murder), The One that got away (about a military operation during the first Gulf War).
His documentary style became more dynamic and intense with each movie. In 2002, Bloody Sunday achieved international acclamation and won the first prize in the Berlin Festival. After that he has continued his career in the United States with "The Bourne Supremacy" starring Matt Damon.
Co-author of the infamous book "Spycatcher" which was banned by the British government in the mid 80s for revealing insights into how the British Secret Service (MI5) operated.
Was set to direct the doomed movie adaptation of the comic book mini-series, The Watchmen, after previous directors Terry Gilliam back in the 80's, Darren Aronofsky, and briefly David Hayter, all left the project.
Brother Mark Greengrass is a leading professor in history, specializing in early modern French history.
One of 115 people invited to join AMPAS in 2007.
Was the ghost writer of the memoir Spycatcher for Peter Wright in 1988.
2007 - Ranked #28 on EW's The 50 Smartest People in Hollywood.
Ranked #56 on the 2008 Telegraph's list "the 100 most powerful people in British culture".
Is a Chelsea FC supporter.
Cited as one of the models for fictional TV reporter Damien Day in TV series Drop the Dead Donkey.
Personal Quotes
"A festival of puerile self-importance, intense paranoia, fiddled expenses and brilliant creativity." On his time with British current-affairs TV-programme 'World in Action'.
By the time I'd done Bloody Sunday I felt I reached the end of a chapter. I could feel it. I wanted to try something new, something different. Then, to my amazement, Bloody Sunday won lots of theatrical prizes, the audience award at Sundance, and then, to my even greater amazement, I had the opportunity to make a film in Hollywood. I mean, you wouldn't think, looking at my films, oh, there's a guy who's going to make films in Hollywood.
[On his decision to turn down an offer to direct a fourth Jason Bourne movie] I just felt that I'd done it. There's nothing unnatural about that. To make a film is eighteen months of your life. It's seven days a week. It's twenty hours a day. There were just too many other things that I was interested in. I felt that I had a wonderful, wonderful time. I loved it and I want it to continue and I hope that it does.
[On being asked how he developed his distinctive hand-held camera style] "To be perfectly honest, i couldn't afford tripods."
奧斯卡金像獎 Academy Awards, USA
2007 提名最佳導演 - 聯航93 United 93 (2006).
柏林影展 Berlin International Film Festival
2002 榮獲金熊獎Golden Berlin Bear+Prize of the Ecumenical Jury: Competition - 血色星期天 Bloody Sunday (2002).
Tied with 神隱少女 Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001).
1989 榮獲Interfilm Award - Otto Dibelius Film Award: Competition+OCIC Award: Competition+提名金熊獎 - Resurrected (1989).
2015 再見深藍 Travis McGee
2010 關鍵指令 Green Zone
編劇: 布萊恩黑格蘭 Brian Helgeland (亡命快劫), Rajiv Chandrasekaran (book)
演出: 麥特戴蒙 Matt Damon(神鬼認證3)、奎格金尼爾 Greg Kinnear(靈光乍現)、布蘭登葛林森 Brendan Gleeson(殺手沒有假期)、傑森艾塞克 Jason Isaacs(燕尾服)
國家: France | USA | Spain | UK (7.0*/35,701)
預算: $100,000,000 (estimated)
Discovering covert and faulty intelligence causes a U.S. Army officer to go rogue as he hunts for Weapons of Mass Destruction in an unstable region.
2007 神鬼認證3: 最後通牒 The Bourne Ultimatum
編劇: Tony Gilroy(神鬼認證) (screenplay), Scott Z. Burns (screenplay),
演出: 麥特戴蒙 Matt Damon(神鬼認證)、茱莉亞史黛兒 Julia Stiles(神鬼認證)、瓊艾倫 Joan Allen(神鬼認證)、大衛史翠森 David Strathairn(晚安祝你好運)、亞伯特芬尼 Albert Finney(大智若魚)、丹尼爾布爾 Daniel Brühl(巴黎二日情)
國家: USA | Germany (8.2*/160,699)
預算: $110,000,000 (estimated)
Jason Bourne dodges a ruthless CIA official and his agents from a new assassination program while searching for the origins of his life as a trained killer.
《93航班》| 2006 | 法國 / 英國 / 美國 | 保羅·葛林葛瑞斯
2004 神鬼認證2:神鬼疑雲 The Bourne Supremacy
PG_13 108 min - Action | Mystery | Thriller
編劇: Tony Gilroy(神鬼認證), Robert Ludlum (novel)
演出: 麥特戴蒙 Matt Damon(神鬼認證)、法蘭卡波登特 Franka Potente(神鬼認證)、瓊艾倫 Joan Allen(暗潮洶湧)
國家: USA | Germany (7.6*/111,809)
預算: $75,000,000 (estimated)
When Jason Bourne is framed for a botched CIA operation he is forced to take up his former life as a trained assassin to survive.
《血色星期天》| 2002 | 愛爾蘭 / 英國 | 保羅·葛林葛瑞斯
1998 飛份之想 The Theory of Flight
R 101 min - Comedy | Drama | Romance
編劇: Richard Hawkins
演出: Helena Bonham Carter, Kenneth Branagh and Gemma Jones
國家: UK (6.6*/1,577)
A dreamer who aspires to human flight is assigned public service after one of his attempts off a public building...
1989 Resurrected
編劇: Martin Allen
演出: Tom Bell, Rita Tushingham and David Thewlis
國家: UK