通往絞刑架的電梯 Ascenseur pour l'échafaud (1958)
導演: 路易·馬盧
編劇: 路易·馬勒 / 羅歇·尼米耶 / Noël Calef
主演: 讓娜·莫羅 / 莫里斯·羅內 / 喬吉斯·伯喬利 / 約裡·貝爾坦 / 讓·瓦爾 / 更多...
類型: 劇情 / 驚悚 / 犯罪 / 黑色電影
製片國家/地區: 法國
語言: 法語 / 德語
上映日期: 1958-01-29
片長: 91分鐘
又名: 往死刑台的電梯(台) / 死刑台與電梯 / 通往死刑台的電梯 / 再見斷頭台 / Elevator to the Gallows / Lift to the Scaffold
IMDb鏈接: tt0051378
前傘兵軍官朱里安•塔維尼(Maurice Ronet 飾)退役後在一家軍火公司上班,期間他和老闆西蒙•卡瑞拉(Jean Wall 飾)的妻子弗洛倫絲(Jeanne Moreau 飾)陷入熱戀。為了掃清障礙,他和情婦制定了一條看似天衣無縫的謀殺計劃。計劃起初進展順利,但在刺殺之後卻因細微的差錯偏離當初的設想,朱里安更被困在大樓的電梯之中。
For his feature debut, twenty-four-year-old Louis Malle brought together a mesmerizing performance by Jeanne Moreau, evocative cinematography by Henri Decaë, and a now legendary jazz score by Miles Davis. Taking place over the course of one restless Paris night, Malle’s richly atmospheric crime thriller stars Moreau and Maurice Ronet as lovers whose plan to murder her husband (his boss) goes awry, setting off a chain of events that seals their fate. A career touchstone for its director and female star, Elevator to the Gallows was an astonishing beginning to Malle’s eclectic body of work, and it established Moreau as one of the most captivating actors ever to grace the screen.