Cannes Film Festival
Date: May 13 - May 24 2009 Location: Cannes, France
金棕櫚獎 Golden Palm:
《白色緞帶》| 2009 | 奧地利/德/法/義 | 麥可·漢內克 67歲
評審團大獎 Grand Prize of the Jury:
大獄言家 A Prophet: Jacques Audiard (法國/義大利)
評審團特別獎 Jury Prize
1. 蝙蝠:血色情慾 Thirst: Chan-wook Park
2. 發現心節奏Fish Tank.
評審團特別表揚獎 Jury Special Prize
瘋草 Wild Grass: 亞倫‧雷奈 Alain Resnais
For the whole of his career.
最佳男主角 Best Actor
惡棍特工 Inglourious Basterds: Christoph Waltz
最佳女主角 Best Actress
撒旦的情與慾 Antichrist: 夏洛特甘絲柏格 Charlotte Gainsbourg
最佳導演 Best Director
男孩看見血地獄 The Execution of P:布里蘭特曼多薩 Brillante Mendoza (Philippines)
最佳劇本 Best Screenplay
春風沉醉的晚上 Spring Fever: 婁燁 Feng Mei
Special Distinction
Best Short Film
The Six Dollar Fifty Man: Mark Albiston, Louis Sutherland
Technical Grand Prize
Map of the Sounds of Tokyo: Aitor Berenguer
Golden Camera
Samson and Delilah: Warwick Thornton
Golden Camera - Special Mention
Ajami: Scandar Copti, Yaron Shani
Cinefondation Award
Bába: Zuzana Kirchnerová
Un Certain Regard Award
Dogtooth: Giorgos Lanthimos
Un Certain Regard - Special Jury Prize
No One Knows About Persian Cats: Bahman Ghobadi
Father of My Children: Mia Hansen-Løve
Un Certain Regard Jury Prize
Police, Adjective: Corneliu Porumboiu
Critics Week Grand Prize
Goodbye Gary: Nassim Amaouche
SACD Screenwriting Award
Lost Persons Area: Caroline Strubbe
Small Golden Rail
Runaway: Cordell Barker
SACD Prize (Directors' Fortnight)
聽媽媽的話 I Killed My Mother: 札維耶‧多藍 Xavier Dolan
Label Europa Cinemas
La pivellina: Tizza Covi, Rainer Frimmel
C.I.C.A.E. Award
聽媽媽的話 I Killed My Mother: 札維耶‧多藍 Xavier Dolan
C.I.C.A.E. Award - Special Mention
The Misfortunates: Felix Van Groeningen
Unifrance Short Film Grand Prize
Schéma directeur: Bernard Tanguy
Director's Fortnight
Amreeka: Cherien Dabis
白色緞帶 The White Ribbon: 麥可漢內克 Michael Haneke
Un Certain Regard
Police, Adjective: Corneliu Porumboiu
Prix Regards Jeune
聽媽媽的話 I Killed My Mother: 札維耶‧多藍 Xavier Dolan
Cinema Prize of the French National Education System
白色緞帶 The White Ribbon: 麥可漢內克 Michael Haneke
Award of the City of Rome
The Wind Journeys: Ciro Guerra
American Pavillon's Emerging Filmmaker Showcase
Best Documentary
Freedom to Choose: Michael Nadeau, Kirk Souder
Best Short Film
Arena: João Salaviza
After Tomorrow: Emma Sullivan
Ciao mama: Goran Odvorcic
撒旦的情與慾 Antichrist: 拉斯馮提爾
蝙蝠:血色情慾 Thirst: 朴贊郁
璀璨情詩 Bright Star: 珍康萍 Jane Campion
春風沉醉的晚上 Spring Fever: 婁燁 Feng Mei
嗑到荼蘼 Enter the Void: Gaspar Noé
發現心節奏 Fish Tank: Andrea Arnold
復仇 Vengeance: 杜琪峰 Johnnie To
惡棍特工 Inglourious Basterds: Quentin Tarantino
男孩看見血地獄 The Execution of P:布里蘭特曼多薩 Brillante Mendoza
瘋草 Wild Grass: 雷奈 Alain Resnais
尋找艾瑞克 Looking for Eric: 肯洛區 Ken Loach
破碎的擁抱 Broken Embraces: 阿莫多瓦 Pedro Almodóvar
東京聲音的地圖 Map of the Sounds of Tokyo: 伊莎貝․柯瓦榭 Isabel Coixet
胡士托風波 Taking Woodstock: 李安 Ang Lee
時光依舊 The Time That Remains: Elia Suleiman
大獄言家 A Prophet: Jacques Audiard
墨索里尼的祕密戀人 Vincere: 馬可貝洛奇奧 Marco Bellocchio
臉 Face: 蔡明亮 Ming-liang Tsai
最初始 In the Beginning: 薩維吉安尼利 Xavier Giannoli
評審團 Jury:
依莎貝雨蓓 Isabelle Huppert: France, president
Asia Argento
努瑞貝其錫蘭 Nuri Bilge Ceylan
James Gray
Hanif Kureishi
李滄東 Chang-dong Lee
舒淇 Shu Qi
Sharmila Tagore
Wright Penn, Robin