一夜狂歡 A Hard Day's Night (1964)
導演: 理查‧萊斯特
編劇: 艾朗歐文
主演: 約翰‧藍儂 保羅麥卡尼 喬治哈里遜 林哥史達
類型: 喜劇 / 音樂
製片國家/地區: 英國
語言: 英語 / 德語
上映日期: 1964-07-06
片長: 87 分鐘
又名: 艱難時光
《一夜狂歡》原本只是片商趁披頭四名氣高漲,想藉機大撈一筆的低成本電影,卻意外在票房與評價上雙雙開花結果。影像與音樂的完美搭配、華麗的交錯剪輯、多機同步攝影、顛覆當時常規的獨特攝影鏡位,在在奠定日後音樂錄影帶文化的典範。 《一夜狂歡》不僅被時代雜誌選入影史百大電影之列,導演理察雷斯特也因此被譽為「音樂錄影帶之父」。趁本片問世五十週年,數位修復版帶領觀眾重新感受披頭四萬人空巷的魅力。
受約翰藍儂賞識,贏得執導《一夜狂歡》的機會。翌年再與披頭四拍出《救命! 》,並以《訣竅》摘下坎城金棕櫚大獎,《超人》二、三集亦是出自理察雷斯特之手。
1963年秋天,為了從紅透半邊天的甲殼蟲身上賺筆錢,美國的United Artists和甲殼蟲簽約拍攝一部電影,目的是得以在美國推出電影的原聲唱片。他們找到Walter Shenson做製片,Richard Lester導演,在1964年拍攝了電影A Hard Day's Night。
Shenson在1963年秋甲殼蟲前往美國前與他們接觸,要求他們為電影創作6首歌——題材不限,但要有兩首抒情歌曲,兩首快節奏的舞曲等等。在加勒比海度假期間,他們創作了八九首歌,Dick Lester從中選出了六首用於電影中,這些歌曲是:You Can't Do That、And I Love Her、I Should Have Known Better、Tell Me Why、If I Fell、I'm Happy Just to Dance with You。 3月2日拍攝開始前,甲殼蟲在倫敦EMI錄音室裡錄製了這些歌曲。其中演奏You Can't Do That的部分在電影推出時被剪輯掉了,但之前就做為Can't Buy Me Love單曲的B面發行,也仍然出現在美國版的原聲唱片上。
電影拍攝從3月2日開始,至4月24日結束。影片用誇張的手法描述甲殼蟲一天的生活,其主題來自John Lennon說過的一句話。當Lester問John他們的瑞典之行如何時,John答道:“It was a room and a car and a car and a room and a room and a car.”這句話稍加變動後被用在電影裡,變成了“Paul的爺爺”的台詞。
Shenson原先以為他可以隨便找一首新歌的歌名作為電影題目,但這六首新歌都不太合適。拍攝期間,大家絞盡腦汁為電影找一個合適的名字。最後有一天,John和他聊天時提起Ringo有趣的語言,並舉出“A hard day's night”為例。 John自己在剛出版的《In His Own Write》也曾經使用過這個短語。大家一致同意它可以作為電影題目。於是John按Shenson的囑咐,以此為題創作了電影的主題歌,並在4月16日拍攝電影期間把它錄製下來。
美國出版的電影原聲唱片只包括這七首新歌,但為了Parlophone的英國唱片,他們在6月回到錄音室,又錄製了5首新歌: I'll Cry Instead、I'll be Back、Any Time At all、Things We Said Today和When I Get Home。加上電影裡使用的他們之前發行過的單曲Can't Buy Me Love,英國的專輯唱片裡一共有13首歌,全部是甲殼蟲的原創歌曲。這是他們第一次能夠推出一張全部原創的專輯。
這一成就主要應歸功於John Lennon當時旺盛的創作力。在這13首歌裡,9首都是他主筆創作的。 Paul主筆創作了3首歌,並和John合作為George創作了I'm Happy Just to Dance With You。當然,按照主創者主唱的原則,John在這張專輯中的主唱也遠遠超過其他三人,甚至沒有給Ringo一個表現的機會。
A Hard Day's Night的電影成為搖滾電影的經典,教給整整一代年輕人反叛的原則,而這張專輯標誌著甲殼蟲的創作進入了一個新的階段,我們可以把它叫做“早期階段的中期”吧?
Meet the Beatles! Just one month after they exploded onto the U.S. scene with their Ed Sullivan Show appearance, John, Paul, George, and Ringo began working on a project that would bring their revolutionary talent to the big screen. A Hard Day’s Night, in which the bandmates play cheeky comic versions of themselves, captured the astonishing moment when they officially became the singular, irreverent idols of their generation and changed music forever. Directed with raucous, anything-goes verve by Richard Lester and featuring a slew of iconic pop anthems, including the title track, “Can’t Buy Me Love,” “I Should Have Known Better,” and “If I Fell,” A Hard Day’s Night, which reconceived the movie musical and exerted an incalculable influence on the music video, is one of the most deliriously entertaining movies of all time.
Richard Lester on A Hard Day’s Night
The annual Cinema Ritrovato festival in Bologna, Italy, has become the hottest showcase for the latest restorations of classic and overlooked films from around the world. So we were thrilled that they decided to show our restoration of Richard Lester's landmark Beatles film A Hard Day's Night —and that they did so on the festival's closing night, July 5, fifty years nearly to the day after the film's July 6, 1964, premiere in London. The festival invited Lester to attend, and he accepted. While in Bologna, the filmmaker sat down with Il Cinema Ritrovato artistic director, Peter von Bagh, for an hour-long talk about the film. Here are a few highlights from their conversation, in which Lester talks about making the film seem utterly spontaneous, creating “false idiosyncrasies” for the four bandmates, and working with a short post production turnaround to capitalize on the Beatles' skyrocketing success.
The Later Career of Richard Lester
By David Cairns
Director Richard Lester is best remembered for his delightfully mod films of the sixties, including the Beatles classics A Hard Day's Night (1964) and Help! (1965) as well as The Knack . . . and How to Get It (1965) and Petulia (1967). In the following video essay, the final part of a supplement titled Picturewise that begins on Criterion new special edition of A Hard Day's Night, critic David Cairns looks at the filmmaker's neglected work of the seventies, including The Three Musketeers (1973 ), Juggernaut (1974), and Robin and Marian (1976), as well as his foray into big-budget superhero movies in the eighties. Like the earlier segments, this part features new audio interviews with Lester.
In Their Own Voices: The Beatles on A Hard Day’s Night
You can hear from John, Paul, George, and Ringo themselves in In Their Own Voices, a piece of Criterion new special edition of A Hard Day's Night consisting of audio recordings of the Beatles talking about the movie during their 1964 American tour, presented over behind-the-scenes stills and production footage. In this short excerpt, the Beatles talk about the importance of making a movie debut that wasn't “slapdash,” their working relationship with producer Walter Shenson, and writing the film's legendary title track.
A Hard Day’s Night Back in Theaters!
This summer, experience the thrill of the Beatles' deliriously entertaining cinematic breakthrough all over again. Courtesy of Janus Films, the landmark comedy-musical A Hard Day's Night, directed by Richard Lester, is opening on July 4 in theaters across the country, in a pristine new 4K restoration from the original camera negative and with a new 5.1 soundtrack remixed and remastered by record producer Giles Martin at Abbey Road Studios. Check out Janus's new trailer for the film, and we dare you not to dance in your seat.